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I'm a fullstack developer.

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Read Me is a book listing application that displays a list of books to the user. Once the user clicks on a book, it will take the user to the details page where a short description of the book is displayed. Also, other books by the same author is displayed at the bottom of the details page. This application has infinite scroll, so books will be listed as the user scrolls. Also, this applications is responsive. It is dockerised as well to easily run it on any machine.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, React, Springboot, Swagger, MySQL, Hibernate and Docker

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Mediq is a microservice based backend application for a hospital management system. It has different microservices for managing doctors, patients, appointment etc. This application is dockerised and the container is managed using Kubernetes. The backend is Springboot based with MySQL as the database. Security is implemented using JWT tokens.

Technologies: Springboot, Swagger, JWT, MySQL, Hibernate, Docker and Kubernetes

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WMS is a wealth management platform, where the customers can login to manage their portfolios, execute trades and get a report of their portfolio. This project is developed with Angular for frontend and Springboot for backend. This project uses Redis for cache management and spring integration library for communicating to various subsystems.

Technologies: Angular, Bootstrap, Springboot, Docker and kubernetes

About Me

Hi! I'm Manikandan Uthaman, a full-stack web developer and software engineer based in Chennai, India. I have been working as a developer for the past 8 years. I have work experience on various technologies on both front-end and back-end. I love to learn new technologies and flex my brain to solve challenging problems.


Besides my passion for coding, I love movies, specifically sci-fi. I love to binge on Netflix. I listen to music when I am stressed. I love beaches. I have recently taken up reading and jogging. Hoping to keep the momentum.

Technologies and Tools

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